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College Assignments – Jugaad

Hello reader!
All right a quick introduction about this blog post. Just as any/every engineering students the word “assignments” terrifies me. I mean everybody knows we copy! But then, our profs are smart! They(specific profs) now ask us to write the entire thing(the assignment) rather than taking a print out! :( And for instance we had a subject like compiler, where we had to copy codes as long as 200+ lines in our handwriting. I don’t get the point, seriously!! So, I decided to have a little fun. 3:D (*EVIL SMILEY*).

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Code Obfusction | Writing a VM

What is this Blog About ?

It is about a minor project that i recently completed. That is writing a virtual machine to slow down the process of reverse engineering. This is not a tutorial to do the same however I have included the presentation that i used during the final presentation, the PDFs for System Design and Sample Runs and one step by step sample run. Continue Reading

Recycling at its best!

I just came across this this when i was going through my facebook feed. :D Waste your money and you’re only out of money, but waste your time and you’ve lost a part of your life. Hence one must reuse a banner! :D xD Continue Reading

Intersection of interests.

I have had a severe sprain in my neck for around 3 days now and was looking for “something different” to do after i get well. Also I had been writing an article on the cross-site scripting framework for the college’s annual magazine. (you will know where am I going with this soon). So as I was thinking it came to me that ” watching theatre” could be the “something different”. Continue Reading

A little disappointment after the 5th semester project viva

I had been playing around too much with the VoIP PBX(asterisk) that I had setup and hence I decided it to be the 3rd year project. I had really worked hard for this one. Firstly it was a totally different technology all together, plus whatever work you do is more of kinda research rather than knowing before hand weather it was going to work or not. Continue Reading

The SQL injection Presentation.

Hi, so we have this subject called DBMS (database management system) which is taken up by Miss. Nishtha Jatana. Nishtha maam follows a different routine for her classes…a rather constructive one. She converts her initial 2 – 3 tutorial classes into presentations that are delivered by the students. If you don’t know what a tutorial class is.. it is basically a kind of an extra class where students can ask doubts or there can be revision of topics or some numerical problems related to the topics can be done. Now the presentations are conducted on a voluntary basis. There is no compulsion, so i decided Continue Reading