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Posts tagged with: adwiteeya

College Assignments – Jugaad

Hello reader!
All right a quick introduction about this blog post. Just as any/every engineering students the word “assignments” terrifies me. I mean everybody knows we copy! But then, our profs are smart! They(specific profs) now ask us to write the entire thing(the assignment) rather than taking a print out! :( And for instance we had a subject like compiler, where we had to copy codes as long as 200+ lines in our handwriting. I don’t get the point, seriously!! So, I decided to have a little fun. 3:D (*EVIL SMILEY*).

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A little disappointment after the 5th semester project viva

I had been playing around too much with the VoIP PBX(asterisk) that I had setup and hence I decided it to be the 3rd year project. I had really worked hard for this one. Firstly it was a totally different technology all together, plus whatever work you do is more of kinda research rather than knowing before hand weather it was going to work or not. Continue Reading

That’s what i learned

Ohkay so there is this software called the metasploit, for hackers its what a wand is for a wizard. The metasploit is a framework, a library of all the exploits and payloads. What happens is basically, that an application may be vulnerable to a certain code..that is for a particular input the application might crash, if that input is converted into a file such that it can attack the application then it is called an exploit. Also there is something that is called as the “PAYLOAD” it is generally the malicious code that is added to the exploit code so that after the exploit has executed the control passes to the payload and a malicious code gets executed, it can act like a trojan and fully compromise your pc or can execute arbitrary shell commands, perhaps it can do pretty much anything you can think of….

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