Ohkay so there is this software called the metasploit, for hackers its what a wand is for a wizard. The metasploit is a framework, a library of all the exploits and payloads. What happens is basically, that an application may be vulnerable to a certain code..that is for a particular input the application might crash, if that input is converted into a file such that it can attack the application then it is called an exploit. Also there is something that is called as the “PAYLOAD” it is generally the malicious code that is added to the exploit code so that after the exploit has executed the control passes to the payload and a malicious code gets executed, it can act like a trojan and fully compromise your pc or can execute arbitrary shell commands, perhaps it can do pretty much anything you can think of….
Browsing posts in: Information Security
The workshop at Gurgaon Engineering College.
I work as a workshop trainer for the esteemed EC-COUNCIL’s accredited training center, techbharat. The last workshop I gave was in the Gurgaon Engineering College on 1st and 2nd of May, 2012. I and my professed co-trainer Mr. Bhanu Pratap Singh conduct the workshop together. Bhanu, to be very frank, is one of a kind, a person who keeps the crowd alive keeps them interested and delivers his part of the lecture smoothly. Okay coming back to me. I somehow think… Continue Reading